🎏 View and export Exif data in ImageGlass 8.0


Duong Dieu Phap Hello! I am Dương Diệu Pháp, a Vietnamese developer and an enthusiast of web technology and Windows apps.

I am working as Full-stack engineer for Open Protein — an AI-powered protein optimization platform as a service helping biology scientists to improve optimize protein sequences and prediction.

I often develop libraries for web and ImageGlass app in my free time. You can check them in my Github page. I will be glad if you can put some stars ⭐.


🤸‍ My collaborator - Kevin Routley

An awesome guy lives on the US East Coast. Not only does he help me to resolve the issues reported, but he also develops new features of ImageGlass.

Check out his website: fire-eggs.github.io

ImageGlass is a lightweight, versatile image viewing application that is designed to take the place of Photo Viewer in Windows 10, 8, 7 and Vista, especially those installations that may have trouble displaying PNG and GIF files in Photo Viewer.